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Finding Passion And Purpose

Mar 31, 2019

Guy Camilleri is one of Hollywood’s top acting coaches and is regularly called upon by Independent Film Award winners, Oscar nominees and even Emmy Award winners.

His dramatic journey of Finding Passion & Purpose started at the age of 16 when he ran away from home, stole a car, and drove halfway across America to...

Mar 24, 2019

Philip Folsom is one of America’s top corporate cultural development experts. His journey to finding Passion & Purpose began at the age of 5 when his parents moved his family to a commune in the back woods of Washington.

Today, he helps leading organizations such as Apple, Google, Red Bull, and Snapchat,...

Mar 17, 2019

Chris Strompolos is the star of a fantastic new Netflix documentary  called "Raiders: The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made". His story has Passion & Purpose written all over it.

At the age of 11, after seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark, Chris decided to remake the film shot for shot and dedicated the next 8 years of his life to...

Mar 10, 2019

Have your parents ever tried to live vicariously through you?  For our guest today, that was what most of his early-life was controlled by: another person's desires.  Ian Winer is an investment expert and a frequent contributor on CNN Money, Fox Business, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, and The Financial Times.  He took...

Mar 3, 2019

Pete Bethune has been shot at, stabbed with a machete, and held captive in a maxim-security Japanese prison. All in the pursuit of his unique passion and passion. 

Pete is what is known as an animal rights vigilante and he travels the world helping to protect the globes endangered animals. From performing citizens’...